Monday 4 April 2016

Growing old gracefully? Learn to be graceful please....

I have always found it interesting and irritating, how, in particular females are very quick to judge other females with regard to appearance. 

Time and time again, when we hear the shock horror of "Botox", you will inevitably hear someone tut, and say "I just don't know why people can't age gracefully?". 

Firstly, a person who utters such a sentence is displaying the complete opposite traits and qualities of grace. But secondly, it is up to each individual person, how they chose to age - or in fact not age.
It has to be noted that times have advanced. Particularly in the area of medicine & science and there are treatments that quite simply did not exist 100 years ago. These treatments will continue to advance and it really is a personal choice to each individual as to whether they chose to have treatments or not. 

Of course, I am sure we have all seen people who have gone that little step too far when it comes to cosmetic work but the reality of 'good cosmetic work' is that, people shouldn't even recognise that it has been done. The perfect result is that of looking as if one has had a very good nights sleep and for their face to look bright & awake.
I just think that people should learn to stop criticing someone's personal choice with regard to how they look after their body. How would it feel for someone to be on the opposite end of the scale and being told they look haggered & wretched! Yes, they say each line, especially laughter lines, tell a story of life. And each frown line shows a stress of raising children as they were younger. Just for the record, Botox and fillers don't erase your memory.

So ladies, embrace who you are. I do believe that beauty is on the inside and it shines through if you are a good person with a good soul. 

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